Wednesday 29th june | 8.30 - 10.10 h. | Location: William Sangster - Level 2 |
Brigitte Khoury
WFMH Regional VP Eastern Mediterranean. Associate professor and clinical psychologist at the Psychiatry Department at the Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut.
525/ Sustainable development and mental health – leaving nobody behind
525/ Disaster and mental health – the role of social psychiatry
Thomas Craig
Past President WASP
525/ Changes in mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile: A Mixed Study.
Olga Toro Devia
Head of Mental Health Programme. School of Public Health. Faculty of Medicine Universidad de Chile.
525/97 Changes in mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile: A Mixed Study.
Toro Devia, Olga¹, Solis-Araya, Camila², Soto-Brandt, Gonzalo³, Sepúlveda-Queipul, Camilo⁴, Pino, Pamela⁵, Loyola, Franco⁵, Irarrazaval, Matías⁶, Alvarado-Muñoz, Rubén⁷
Olga Toro Devia
Head of Mental Health Programme. School of Public Health. Faculty of Medicine Universidad de Chile.