Summary of rules for symposia proposals

 Please read the requirements before submitting symposium proposals

• Symposia are welcome from the general public, academic and partner organisations as well as from WFMH and World Dignity Project.
• All symposiums will be 60 minutes long.
• A brief description of the session (max. 250 words) for evaluation purposes describing who will participate in the symposium and the themes they will address.
• 1 chair (mandatory), 1 co-chair (not mandatory) and maximum 3 speakers per session.
• The chair and co-chair may be chosen from the speakers.
• It is also possible to add a 4th speaker who will act as a discussant and talk for 5 minutes. There should be 10 minutes in the session for discussion.
• The proposer should obtain the consent of each speaker and proposed session chair prior to making the abstract submission.
• If the symposium is developed by a section or is an intersectional symposium, please be sure to mark the details in the drop-down menu on the submission form.
• The proposer will receive notification of the final Scientific Committee decision and he/she is responsible for communicating the outcome of the submission the chair and other speakers.

Acceptance of the proposal for a symposium does not imply that the Organizing Committee will cover any expenses of the chairpersons and speakers.
All those presenting a symposium should register for the Congress.